6.8. Boss Battle - Idea StormΒΆ
Your task in this level is to generate some game ideas. This idea generator randomly selects an idea suggested as a previous Ludum Dare theme.
Use the theme generator to generate 4 different themes. Then try to come up with some game mechanics that might be interesting ways of exploring that theme. You are encouraged to try to work with the first 4 themes you get, but if you have no idea what to do with an idea go ahead and reroll it. For each game idea you need to give:
- The random idea
- Game genre you would build it into (or a description of what the basic gameplay is if you can’t neatly describe it in terms of a genre)
- At least three specific mechanics that are based around the theme. For each mechanic, try to describe both the mechanic itself and the dynamics you hope to see from it - how will it affect the gameplay? What choices/challenges will it add?