Debugging at the assembly level

You can debug or reverse engineer a program in gdb even if there is no source-level or debugging information for it, by working directly at the machine code level. Let’s say you want to figure out a program named progX; you can load it in the debugger with gdb progX and get the (gdb) command prompt.

A good way to begin is to start the program, paused, with the start command, and then step instruction by instruction with the stepi command (which can be abbreviated si, and repeated by simply hitting enter). However, all you will see is the address of the current instruction. You can disassemble the entire current function with disassemble (abbreviated disas), and it will even show an arrow indicating the current line; you can also set gdb to automatically disassemble and show you the instruction about to execute with disp/i $pc.

While you are stepping through the program, you will typically want to see the values of various variables. If there is a variable with a symbol in the symbol table, for example a global variable named array, you can use that name in gdb and e.g. print array, but without debugging information it won’t know what type to use when interpreting that memory. You can try e.g. print/d (char[100])array if you hypothesize that the array is 100 bytes, or print/d (long[100])array if you hypothesize that the array is 100 long integers.

Another useful technique is to use breakpoints to avoid all that stepping. When you disassemble the function, you can read down to where you would like to pick up debugging, and set a breakpoint at that address. For example, if you see the following line, you know that’s the end of the function.

0x000000000000118a <+97>:    ret

The <+97> part is the offset of the address from the top of the function, so you can either call this instruction *0x000000000000118a or *main+97 in this case. To set a breakpoint there, use the break command, e.g. break *main+97. Then you can run your program or, if it is already running but paused, continue it and let it run at its own pace until it hits the breakpoint. Then have a look around!

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