Getting started with assembly development

The assembly language we will be learning in this class is the one most likely to already be running on your computer: AMD64, also known as x86-64, Intel 64, and x64. It is an extension of Intel’s popular x86 architecture to include 64-bit values and operations. AMD is a microchip company that competes with Intel; their business model is to produce their own original chip designs that are compatible with Intel’s architecture, so that although the chips are quite different, programs compiled for one can run on the other and vice versa, (mostly) without knowing or caring which is which. AMD produced a 64-bit extension to the x86 architecture that Intel was forced to adopt itself, the first time there was an extension to an Intel architecture by any company other than Intel. Intel’s own foray into 64-bit architecture produced IA-64, which is a different, incompatible architecture, while AMD64 had the market advantage of being backwards compatible with 32-bit x86 architecture.

Backwards compatibility is a theme that will come up repeatedly in the study of x86-64. The x86 family traces its lineage to the 8086, a 16-bit processor released in 1978. The family continued through the Pentium era and today remains the most widely used type of processor in personal computers and servers. As each new chip and technological advance was introduced, Intel has taken care to maintain backwards compatibility, so that programs compiled for previous versions could continue to run, while new programs could take advantage of the added features. This is a huge benefit for adoption, but it does have disadvantages, in the form of historical decisions and names that persist unchanged into x86-64.

Units of information

A CPU stores information in registers. A register is like a variable, except that unlike variables in a high-level language—which come and go as needed, with different names and types—the registers are etched into silicon, so how many there are, how big they are, and what they are for is fixed when the CPU is designed.

Some registers are dedicated to a special purpose, like the one that keeps track of the memory address of the instruction to execute next; some architectures call it the Program Counter (PC), but on x86 it is called the Instruction Pointer (IP). Other registers are there for the programmer to use as needed, just like variables, except they must be shared and reused because they are a finite resource. Whatever work doesn’t fit into the registers is kept outside the CPU, in the RAM.

Typically, the general-purpose registers in a CPU design are the same size as the bus that moves information back and forth between the CPU and the RAM, so a register can be read or written all at once. That size, called the architecture’s “word size”, is the most convenient unit for working in at the hardware level, and for example is typically the size assigned to the int type in C.

The 8086 was a 16-bit processor, with general-purpose registers that stored 16 bits and a data bus that moved 16 bits at a time back and forth between CPU and RAM. Consequently, on an 8086, a “word” was a unit of information equal to 16 bits, or 2 bytes.

When Intel released the 80386 microprocessor in 1985, its general-purpose registers were expanded to 32 bits (4 bytes) each. It would have been reasonable to consider a “word” on the 80386 to be 32 bits, but for the sake of backwards compatibility, Intel chose to standardize their idea of “word” based on to 8086 and call the new, 32-bit unit a “double word”. Similarly, when AMD introduced x86-64 in 2003, the new 64-bit (8 byte) unit of information stored in its registers was dubbed a “quad word”.

The x86-64 architecture defines 16 general-purpose quad-word registers. They are named R0, R1, R2, …, R15, where the “R” stands for Register. That part is simple enough, but to use them effectively, it is important to understand the history that these registers carry, in the name of backwards compatibility.

The 8086 has only 8 general-purpose registers, and they were of course only one 16-bit word each. Rather than being numbered, they were named after their usual purposes. As general-purpose registers, they could technically be used for anything, but convention and the way some instructions leveraged them led to the following names:

  • AX: Accumulator register (result of operations)

  • BX: Base register (base address to which offset is added)

  • CX: Counter register (looping)

  • DX: Data register (multiplication)

  • SP: Stack Pointer (top of stack where new things will be pushed)

  • BP: Base Pointer (start of stack frame)

  • SI: Source Index (string/array copying)

  • DI: Destination Index (string/array copying)

Sometimes it is useful to be able to use a big register as though it were multiple smaller registers. So, the first 4 registers (each a 2-byte word) could also be treated as though they were 8 registers, each a byte. The low end of the word (the least-significant figures) is named AL, BL, CL, and DL, respectively, and accordingly the high end is named AH, BH, CH, and DH.

When the architecture expanded to 32-bit registers, each of them got a new name, EAX, EBX, …, EDI, the E meaning “Extended”. The original names were retained for the low word of each now-larger register.

Similarly, all of those names are still available in x86-64. The named registers correspond to R0–R7, while registers R8–R15 don’t have backwards-compatible names, being new. For any register number \(n\) in the range 0–15, R\(n\) is the 64-bit general-purpose register, R\(n\)D is the low 32 bits of it (D for Double word), R\(n\)W is the low 16 bits of it (W for Word), and R\(n\)B is the low 8 bits of it (B for Byte).

For now, don’t worry about this menagerie of names too much. Just remember that there are registers available and a sense of how many and how big they are overall, and then you can come back to double-check this information for reference.

A quick overview of the history of this architecture:

  • 1972 Intel’s first CPU architecture is the 8008, an 8-bit processor

  • 1974 Intel 8080, also 8-bit, was the basis for the Altair 8800, which sparked the microcomputer revolution (A BASIC interpreter for the Altair was Microsoft’s first product)

  • 1978 Intel 8086, the progenitor of the x86 family, 16-bit

  • 1985 Intel 80386, continues the x86 family with the i386 extension, 32-bit

  • 2001 Intel Itanium, introduces new IA-64 architecture not backwards compatible with x86, not widely adopted

  • 2003 AMD Opteron, continues the x86 family with the x86-64 extension, 64-bit

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