Printing numbers

You have already seen puts, from the stdio library. The most general-purpose output routine in C, also in stdio, is printf (‘print formatted’). You can use printf to put a string on the output.

printf("hello, world");

The only difference between that and the same thing with puts is that puts starts a new line after the message, but printf does not, so anything that gets printed later (including your command prompt when the program ends) is still on the same line. If you want to start a new line, you must include the newline character in the message explicitly. To avoid having to type a literal newline in your source code, the language provides instead a backslash-escaped special value, \n, meaning newline.

printf("hello, world\n");

As long as this is all you are doing, it probably makes more sense to use puts. However, the argument to printf is more than just a message to be printed: it is a ‘format string’, which can contain blanks (like a mad lib) to be filled with with values from your program. Most characters, like those in "hello, world\n", stand for themselves. However, the % sign begins a ‘conversion specification’. There is a whole sub-language describing what can be filled in and how, but to start out, %d means a conversion of an int to decimal (d for ‘decimal’). The value to be filled in/converted is given as the next argument to printf, as shown in this more user-friendly program to calculate \(2+2\).

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
    int x = 2 + 2;
    printf("The number %d is your answer!\n", x);

The %d conversion specification will be applied to the value x, and the printed output will say ‘The number 4 is your answer!’.

We can add output to the factorial function similarly.

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
    int n = 1;
    n = n * 2;
    n = n * 3;
    n = n * 4;
    n = n * 5;
    printf("5! = %d\n", n);

Try printing out the value of n in other places, to view intermediate calculations. This sort of debugging print statement is a common debugging technique, in addition to inspection in the interactive debugger.

For most types, there is a relevant conversion specifier for printf. A double can be printed using the f specifier.

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
    double celsius = 20.0;
    double fahrenheit = celsius * 9.0 / 5.0 + 32.0;
    printf("%f Celsius is %f Fahrenheit\n", celsius, fahrenheit);

This example shows not only how to print out a double, but also that there can be any number of conversion specifications in a printf format string. Here there are two. After the format string, there must be as many further arguments as there are conversion specifications, and they will be filled in in order.

To learn more about the very rich language of printf, you can read the manual page. One of the nice features of unix is its online manual pages, accessed through the man command. The manual is divided into sections, and section 3 is dedicated to C libraries and functions. So, man 3 printf will bring up the appropriate manpage. Some functions have brief documentation, while printf can be a bit overwhelming; just scan for useful information.

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