Week 1 outline

Welcome to CS205! This is our first week. We’re going to start out exploring at a high level what this class is all about, and get our hands dirty with some practical skills that will be necessary for the work we’ll do in later weeks.

On day one, first thing, you should read the syllabus. Carefully. You should make sure that you know how to contact your professor. Help build a thriving course community in the #cs205 channel in the CS Discord server, by asking questions and checking in now and then to see how you can help others.

As soon as possible, sign in to your account on the student server with the password given in the syllabus and set it up. You will be learning more about how to use that environment this week and building on those skills throughout the course.

Watch for assignments in elearn; everything you will be expected to turn in has a due date there, and will appear in your to-do list and other views of assignments. The first thing to do is take the background survey, which is ungraded but it is how I check who is participating in class and who is a no-show, so it is important to submit it on time.

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