Configuring unix programs


A program on unix has access to the whole command line the user entered to run it. In addition to arguments specifying e.g. which files to operate on, many programs accept options specifying how to operate. So, for example, giving a path as an argument to ls tells it where to list, while giving the word -l to ls tells it to print a ‘long’ listing with more detail. (You can imagine it would be tricky to deal with a file named -l. There are ways to deal with that ambiguity, but it’s easier just to give files unambiguous names.)

By convention, an option starts with a hyphen, as in -l. Each program is free to handle its command line however it wants, but there are some patterns, such as -v usually being the way to make a program more verbose. Some options require parameters, which usually follow the option as the next word on the command line; for example, to specify an output file name to gcc, you use -o file.

To allow for clearer names and more possible options, some programs have ‘long’ options. For example, -h (a ‘short’ option) might also be available as --help. When a long option takes a parameter, sometimes it comes next as with a short option, like --color auto, but it is usually also possible to pack them together with an equals sign as in --color=auto.

Since short options flags are only one letter each, most programs allow you to combine them in a single word. For example, to get ls to show a long listing (-l) of all files (-a) one can run ls -a -l or combine them into ls -al.


If you type e.g. ls -alF so often that you want a shorter, easier-to-remember way to type it, you can use a shell alias. In bash, use the alias command.

alias ll='ls -alF'

From that point on, ll, when used as a command in that shell, will mean the same as ls -alF. Aliases are deliberately limited—they don’t really work in shell scripts, and the way they expand isn’t very flexible. They are mostly for creating new command-ish words that run programs with some default options you usually want to use when you are working at the command line.

If you always want to use a particular way of invoking a program, you can alias it over itself. For example, many people have an alias like ls='ls --color=auto' in order to see colorful output by default, whenever they use ls. (If you find the colors difficult to read and wish ls would just use normal text, now you know the culprit. Read on.)

You can view all of your current aliases by running alias with no arguments. You can remove an alias wish unalias, e.g. unalias ll. Aliases only persist as long as the shell, so if you stop the shell and run another one, such as by logging out and returning later, you would need to set up all your aliases again. To make them persistent, you can use another configuration technique: a run control file.

Configuration files

For configuration that requires more detail, or would be tedious to specify every time you run a program, many programs read a particular file as they start up and adjust based on what it says. Such a file might be called an initialization file, startup file, configuration file, run control (‘rc’) file, etc. If no such file exists, that’s usually fine and the program just uses its defaults. Often a program will look in more than one place for a potential rc file, such as the current working directory, the user’s home directory, and/or a system-wide configuration directory. The name of an rc file usually starts with a dot ., so ls will hide it by default, so the collection of rc files in your home directory are often called your ‘dotfiles’.

Every time bash runs, for example, it runs the script in ~/.bashrc if it exists. That’s the place to put any commands you want to run every time you run your shell, such as an alias you want to make persistent, or a way you like to set up your prompt. System administrators usually provide you with a default .bashrc with a bunch of configuration you might appreciate but are free to customize.

The documentation for a program will tell you where it looks for rc files and what to put in them; for example, vim uses .vimrc, emacs uses .emacs, git uses a whole .git subdirectory, gdb uses .gdbinit, make uses Makefile in the current working directory, etc.

Following the unix philosophy, configuration files are expected to be easy to read and write as a human with a text editor.

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