1.2. Data MovementΒΆ

The MOV and MVN instruction copy (move) data from into registers.

MOVrd, rn

MOVe. Copy data from register rn to register rd. Does not modify rn.

MOVrd, #

Copy the immediate value # into register rd.

MOV   r1, #100      @Place 100 base 10 in r1
MOV   r2, #0xff     @Place hex ff (255) in r2
MOV   r3, #0b1100   @Place 1100 binary in r3 (12 in deciamal, 0xC in Hex)
MOV   r4, #'A'      @Place char 'A' or 65 in r4
MOV   r5, r3        @Copy value in r3 into r5
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MVNrd, rn / #

MoVe Negated. Places the bitwise negation of the source register or immediate rn / # into register rd.

@Load r1, then load its negation into r2
MOV   r1, #1        @ r1 = 0000 0000 ... 0001
MVN   r2, r1        @ r2 = 1111 1111 ... 1110

@Load r3, then load its negation into r4
MOV   r3, #0xA3     @ r3 = 0000 0000 ... 1010 0011
MVN   r4, r3        @ r4 = 1111 1111 ... 0101 1100

@Load the negation of 0000 0000 0000 ... 1111 into r5
MVN   r5, #0xF      @ r5 = 1111 1111 ... 0000
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