1.3. ArithmeticΒΆ

Arithmetic instructions combine two values via addition or subtraction, placing the results into a destination register.


All of the arithmetic instructions only support an immediate value as the last parameter.

ADDrd, rn, rm / #

Add rn to either register rm or immediate #, place the results in rd.

MOV   r1, #100
MOV   r2, #200
ADD   r3, r1, r2        @r3 = r1 + r2
ADD   r4, r1, #1        @r4 = r1 + 1
ADD   r4, r4, #1        @r4++
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SUBrd, rn, rm / #

Subtracts either register rm or immediate # from rn and places answer in rd.

@Load some starting values
MOV   r1, #50
MOV   r2, #200
SUB   r2, r2, r1     @r2 = r2 - r1
SUB   r3, r1, r2     @r3 = r1 - r2
SUB   r4, r1, #10    @r4 = r1 - 10
@SUB   r4, #10, r1   @Invallid! Immediate value must be last
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Because only the final operand for SUB can be an immediate, we cannot write SUB r2, #10, r1 to subtract r1 from 10. Instead, there is a reverse subtract instruction RSB that subtracts the first parameter from the second.

RSBrd, rn, rm / #

Reverse SuBtract. Subtracts rn from either register rm or immediate # and places answer in rd.

@Load some starting values
MOV   r1, #50
MOV   r2, #200
RSB   r3, r2, r1    @r3 = r1 - r2 using RSUB
RSB   r5, r1, #10   @r5 = 10 - r1
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