CS Student Server Usage
Account Info
Your instructor will tell you your username; it is generally the same as your my.chemeketa
username (asmith4@my.chemeketa.edu would be
asmith4). Anywhere below you see USERNAME
substitute your actual credentials.
Logging Into the Server
You will use ssh
to log in and work on the remote server.
To log in, open a command prompt/terminal window and do:
ssh USERNAME@cs-student.chemeketa.edu
You will be prompted for your password. If this is your first login, see the special instructions below.
If you try to log in unsuccessfully ~5 times within 10 minutes, you will be banned for 10 minutes. (This is a security measure to prevent brute force attacks.) During this time you will be unable to connect to the server - if you try to connect to the server, the connection will just time out (you won't see any response).
While banned, you can check to see that the server is still there by doing:
ping cs-student.chemeketa.edu
. If you get replies, you know the server is there,
it is just not letting you connect with ssh.
You will start your session in your home directory /home/USERNAME/
. ~
is another name
for your home directory. Any work you do should be saved within this folder. Any time you want
to reset your location to it, you can do:
cd ~
First Log In / Password Reset
The first time you log in, you will be use the password supplied to you by your instructor. As soon as you log in the first time with it, you will be asked to change your password. To do this you will need to:
- Enter your current password (again)
- Enter your new password
- Enter your new password (again)
At this point, your connection will be closed. You can then reconnect using your new password.
If you do not successfully complete the change process, you will need to try again, using your old password to log in.
If at any point you want to change your password, you can type this while logged into the server:
You will then go through the same steps (old password once, new one twice).
Logging Out
When you are done working on the server, you can type this to close the ssh connection:
Avoiding using a password
Typing a password every time you want to sync your local files to the remote server might get tiresome. Below are instructions for generating an ssh public/private key pair you can use to identify yourself without a password.
Don't invest time into figuring out ssh keys until you are already successfully using the server (including uploading code and running it on the server).
Before setting up an ssh key, make sure you log into the server once using your password.
Key setup - Mac
A mac should work just like Linux, but you first have to make sure that you have
the utility ssh-copy-id
. Modern versions of Mac OSX should have it already
installed. Open a terminal and type ssh-copy-id
. If you are given a list of usage
options, continue to Key setup - Linux and follow those instructions.
If you get an error about ssh-copy-id
being found, here is how to install it:
Install homebrew by following the instructions on their site.
Then open a terminal and type:
brew install ssh-copy-id
Then continue using the Linux instructions.
Key setup - Linux
You can follow these instructions to set up an ssh key that can be used to identify yourself without a password.
You should only need to do steps 1-3. In step 2, make sure you use
instead of typing remote-host
Now skip down to Using your key
Key setup - PC
Follow these Windows instructions to set up an ssh key. If you have a fairly recent version of windows, the OpenSSH method should work for you.
Then follow the instructions for insalling rsync.
You then need to upload your ssh public key to the server using rsync. Open up a Git bash command prompt. Then do the following:
rsync -i /c/Users/YOURNAME/.ssh/id_rsa.pub USERNAME@cs-student.chemeketa.edu:~/.ssh/authorized_keys
Make sure to change YOURNAME
to your windows username. The file /c/Users/YOURNAME/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
should be the public key you generated.
Make sure to change USERNAME
to your username on the cs-student server.
Using your key
When you login with ssh, you should no longer need to type a password.
To use your key with
rsync, you will add -i
for identity and then
pass your private key as part of the rsync command:
rsync -i /PATHTOKEY/KEY -a FOLDERNAME USERNAME@cs-student.chemeketa.edu:~/
If you are on a Mac or Linux machine, that will probably look like:
rsync -i /home/YOURNAME/.ssh/id_rsa -a FOLDERNAME USERNAME@cs-student.chemeketa.edu:~/
If you are on a PC using Git bash, that will look like:
rsync -i /c/Users/YOURNAME/.ssh/id_rsa -a FOLDERNAME USERNAME@cs-student.chemeketa.edu:~/