Week 8 - Recursion
Learning objectives
Upon finishing this week, you should be able to:
- Trace recursive algorithms by hand
- Write recursive algorithms to solve problems
Quiz 3 is open this Thurs-Sat. It covers weeks 6-7
Suggested pacing
Day 1
- Recursion basics
- Do Recursion Practice WS (See classroom files link)
Day 2
- Recursion writing and helper functions
- CPP Lab Recursion 1
Day 3
- Recursion Applications & Tail Recursion
- CPP Lab Recursion 2
Day 4
- Quiz review
- Optional recursion challenge problem
Activity Outline
Recursion Basics
Read 17.1-17.2. Watch this video:
Do the Recursion Practice WS from classroom files link. The key is there as well.
Recursion writing and helper functions
Read 17.3-17.5 and watch these two videos:
Do the Recursion 1 CPP Lab .
Applications of Recursion
Read 17.6-17.9 and watch this video (hint: the flood fill sample is very similar to the logic you need for assignment 8). Source code is in the Github repository
Start working on this week's assignment.
Do the Recursion 2 CPP Lab .