Week 8 - Arrays

Learning objectives

Upon finishing this learning module, you should be able to:

  • Write programs using arrays to store collections of related information
Quiz 3 is open this Thurs-Saturday. Covers weeks 5, 6, and 7.


Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

  • Quiz review

Array Examples

Watch the video below and then read Ch 7.4 for various examples of using arrays.

Arrays and Functions

Read 7.5-7.8. This video shows some important details of how arrays work with functions and how to use VSCode to debug arrays in functions:

Do the Array Functions CPP Lab .

VSCode Debugging Tips For Arrays

Start the assignment - you can work on it in parallel with this next part.

Multidimensional Arrays

Read Ch 8.1-8.4 These videos cover the basics and explain why they work the way they do:

Start the Multidimensional Arrays CPP Lab .

Multidimensional Arrays Continued

Read Ch 8.5-8.8.1. Focus on the ideas of each program and how they use 2D arrays. Don't try to memorize the details.

This video talks through some of the interesting things in the sample programs from those sections, as well as some things that could be improved in them.

Finish the Multidimensional Arrays CPP Lab .

Extra Info

Optional extra

Watch this video about how matrices (2D arrays) are used to handle transformations in computer graphics.