Week 8

Upon finishing this learning module, you should be able to:

  • Rank common classes of algorithm based on relative complexity
  • Identify what class the basic search and sort algorithms fall into
  • Identify pattern recognition algorithms and predict the behavior of simple decision trees and neural networks
  • Write code that uses lists to store data, loops through lists, and manipulates them

Algorithmic Efficiency

This unit we are looking at how computing scientists typically measure the efficiency of algorithms. The algorithms we studied last unit will be the main focus of our analysis.

Read sections 8.9–8.14, on Algorithms, in Welcome to CS. (Stop when you hit Merging in 8.15.)

Explore the Efficiency worksheet and check your work with the key.

Algorithm of the Week: Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning

Read chapter 6 of the Nine Algorithms book, along with the Pattern Recognition supplement.

Explore the Pattern Recognition Practice worksheet, and check your work with the key.

Optional Extras: ChatGPT and MarI/O

One of the more famous recent examples of machine learning is ChatGPT. How is something like ChatGPT trained?

Machine learning has also been put to use to train computers to do more trivial things…like play Super Mario!