Week 4

Learning objectives

Upon finishing this learning module, you should be able to:

  • Identify and evaluate the basic Boolean logic rules.
  • Predict output of a simple logic circuit
  • Describe how asymmetric (public key) cryptography can be used to either authenticate a message or send a private message
  • Identify how certificate authorities provide a basis for trust on the internet
  • Design a simple program via decomposition
  • Write Python function that returns results of a calculation

Class Schedule

First Class Meeting

  • Logic and Circuits
  • Work on programming


  • BooleanLogic and Circuits readings
  • Boolean & Circuit Worksheet
  • Programming - Complete Ch 18
  • Programming - Ch 19 Reading

Second Class Meeting

  • Algorithm of the Week - Public Key Encryption
  • Work on programming


  • Algorithm of the Week reading
  • Programming - Complete Ch 19
  • Programming - Ch 20 Reading


Do the following assignments based on Programming chapters from Welcome To CS. Completion assignments are graded for accuracy. Reading assignments are graded for attempting all of the interactive elements on the assigned pages.

  • Ch 18 - Completion
  • Ch 19 - Reading & Completion
  • Ch 20 - Reading - Stop when you hit the Chapter Summary
Make sure you are logged into the book so your work is saved and you get credit. The surest way to make sure you are logged in is to start the programming assignment by clicking on the button in the corresponding assignment in Elearn.

Boolean Logic


  • Read Logic Gates & Circuit (Ch5.5-5.8) in Welcome To CS. Don't panic about memorizing the details in 5.7 and 5.8. They are examples of how circuits do "real" work in a computer that you should check out, but you are not responsible for knowing them.

  • Do the CircuitPractice worksheet. You can use this the Circuit Playground from Welcome to CS to build and test the circuits on the worksheet. This video shows how to do so:

  • Optional This video does a good job of tying together bits, binary, logic and circuits. If you are still feeling a little fuzzy on how bits and gates and circuits all tie together, I highly recommend checking it out. Don't stress the details from minutes 7-10, just focus on the big picture of how circuits manipulate on/off values to do math in a computer.

Algorithm of the Week: Public Key Encryption

  • Read these pages on Authentication & Public Key Encryption (Make sure to read all the way through until the page titled RSA). They are a replacement for Ch 9 in Nine Algorithms.

  • Optional: Read Ch 9 of Nine Algorithms book. It covers similar ground to the reading above.
    However, Nine Algorithms chapter has a slightly different focus - feel free to read it as a second perspective on this week's topic.

Optional Extras

Building a computer's logic gates with dominoes:

Bitcoin is a digital currency that uses public/private key technology to sign transactions so that they can be verified by everyone using Bitcoins. This video explains how it works: