Week 5

Learning objectives

Upon finishing this learning module, you should be able to:

  • Discuss and describe the major components of a CPU and their purpose, and the fundamental machine execution cycle (fetch-decode-execute)
  • Trace the execution of and write simplified machine code programs
  • Describe and perform common error detection and correction tricks used by computers
  • Use loops to build programs that create or modify images
Quiz 2 is open this Thurs-Saturday

Class Schedule

First Class Meeting

  • Machine Architecture & The Little Computer sections
  • Work on Programming


  • Little Computer worksheet 1
  • Programming - Complete Ch 20
  • Programming - Ch 21 Reading

Second Class Meeting

  • Algorithm of the Week activity - Error detection and correction
  • Work on Programming


  • Algorithm of the Week reading
  • Programming - Complete Ch 21
  • Programming - Ch 22 Reading


Do the following assignments based on Programming chapters from Welcome To CS. Completion assignments are graded for accuracy. Reading assignments are graded for attempting all of the interactive elements on the assigned pages.

  • Ch 20 - Completion
  • Ch 21 - Reading & Completion
  • Ch 22 - Reading - Stop when you hit the Chapter Summary
Make sure you are logged into the book so your work is saved and you get credit. The surest way to make sure you are logged in is to start the programming assignment by clicking on the button in the corresponding assignment in Elearn.

Machine Architecture & the Machine Cycle

  • Read about the major components of a CPU and the machine cycle: Chapter 6 of the computing section of Welcome To CS.
  • Optional This video is a good secondary source. The first 12.5 minutes do a nice job of showing a processor at work. (From minute 12:30 until the end gets into more detail than we are going to worry about, but you may find it interesting.)

Machine Code and the Little Computer

Algorithm of the Week: Error Detection & Correction