CS160 - Surton Current

I am glad to have you in class! This is a very broad class, covering many topics, and I will provide you with as many tools as possible for keeping track of what to work on and how it relates to the goals of the course. Everything you must do for a grade has an assignment in Canvas, with a due date, so one of your most valuable tools is the to-do list that shows upcoming assignments. Each unit of material is also grouped into a module that describes everything for you to work on. The first module, “Getting Started”, has some course setup stuff that leads into Unit 1.

To get going, take a look at each of the pieces in this module.

  • Read the syllabus carefully so you understand the structure of this class, late work policies, how to contact me and other students, and so forth.
  • Log in to the Welcome to CS book with the provided link, which will automatically create an account for you there linked to the gradebook in Canvas.
  • Read the first chapter of programming material in the Welcome to CS book, to prepare for discussing and using that material in Unit 1.
  • Take the background survey. This is very valuable information for us to know who is taking our classes and why, and it is also how I double-check that people who are registered for the course have actually shown up.

Last, but most important, reach out to me now and throughout the term whenever I can help. I hope you enjoy this class, find it challenging, and learn things you find interesting!