6.10. Using the Stack FrameΒΆ
After the stack frame is built, we use it to store and load from any time a variable needs to be read or written.
We will demonstrate what that might look like for this c++ function:
int bar(int num) {
int a = num + 1;
a *= 2;
return a;
The stack frame for this function would need space for the parameter num and the local variable a. Since each is an int, they will each require 4 bytes of space. Thus the stack frame will end up looking like this:
Address | Contents | |
0xfffffff0 | a | (fp - 12) sp |
0xfffffff4 | num | (fp - 8) |
0xfffffff8 | old fp (for bar's caller) | (fp - 4) |
0xfffffffc | lr | fp |
0x00000000 | ... |
All variables are allocated in the stack frame initialization as the function starts. We will assume that they are always placed in the order in which they are declared.
Any time we want to access num, we will need to load/store from [fp, #-8]
. Any time we want to access the variable a, we will use the address [fp, #-12]
The program below has the assembly version of this function.
The prologue sets up this stack frame:
First the fp and lr are pushed and the frame pointer set to point to the top of the frame on lines 46 and 50
Line 52 sets up the space for num and a by moving the stack pointer 8 bytes
The variable num needs to be initialized with the value passed in. The parameter was passed in r0, so on line 55 it is copied to the location in memory reserved for num:
[fp, #-8]
Then, in the body of the function, we use loads and stores to access and modify variables. Something like a = num + 1
turns into multiple steps:
Load the value of num from the stack frame into a register
Add 1 to that register
Then store the result back to the location in the stack frame that corresponds to a.
This process is demonstrated on lines 60-62.
Finally, the epilogue gets the return value ready, cleans up the stack frame, and restores the fp and lr:
Line 70 loads the value from the location that corresponds to a into r0 to be returned
Then line 71 deallocates the space used for num and a by moving the stack pointer up 8 bytes
Then line 73 pops the fp and lr, leaving the stack pointer, fp and lr all where they were when we entered the function
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 | .text
.global _start
@call bar(4)
MOV r0, #4
BL bar
MOV r4, r0 @Move returned value to r4
@stop program
end: B end
@exit linux style
@MOV r7, #1
@SWI 0
Bar function - pointless demonstration function
int bar(int num) {
int a = num + 1;
a *= 2;
return a;
r0 = num
r0 = a (2*num + 1)
Stack Frame:
Address Contents
-12 a
-8 num
-4 old fp
-0 my lr
@@@ Prologue --------------------------------------------
PUSH {fp, lr} @push necessary registers to stack
@if we were using r4+ would need to push those too
@sp ends up 4 bytes into stack frame
ADD fp, sp, #4 @set frame pointer to top of frame
SUB sp, sp, #8 @move stack pointer down 8 bytes
@allocates space for num and a
STR r0, [fp, #-8] @store r0 to location reserved for num
@@@ Body --------------------------------------------
@@@int a = num + 1
LDR r0, [fp, #-8] @load num into r0
ADD r0, r0, #1
STR r0, [fp, #-12] @store result into a
@@@a *= 2
LDR r0, [fp, #-12] @load a into r1
LSL r0, r0, #1 @ *= 2
STR r0, [fp, #-12] @store back into a
@@@ Epilog --------------------------------------------
LDR r0, [fp, #-12] @load a into r0 for return
ADD sp, sp, #8 @move stack pointer up to remove 8 bytes
@releases space for num and a
POP {fp, lr} @restore all registers
@if we were using r4+ would need to pop those too
BX lr @return
It might strike you as a lot of wasted work. Why both storing r0 into memory on line 62 only to load the exact same value from memory back into r0 on line 65? Indeed, when we ask a compiler to optimize code, one of the things it seeks to do is minimize shuffling things back and forth between registers and the stack. But the unoptimized code shown above is the easiest to generate, as what we do on one line does not depend on what is happening on other lines. Each line of c++ code does all of its own loads and stores to guarantee that the current values for variables are stored into the expected places regardless of what code comes next.