5.3. Looping Through Arrays¶
To loop through an array, we need to access successive memory addresses: something like x, x + 4, x + 8, … To use the
LDR rd, [rn, #]
syntax, we would have to list each memory address by hand. Alternatively, we could load x’s address
into a register, and then modify that address each time we were ready to access the next item.
But it is often useful to retain the base address of the array, so overwriting our copy of its address may not make sense.
To provide a flexible way to access parts of an array, another form of indicating an address for load and store instructions is provided for in ARM:
rd, [rn, rm]Access the memory at the byte address rn + rm, and store its value into rd. Similar [rn, rm] syntax is available for STR, LDRB, LDRSB, and STRB
If rn holds our base address, then rm can hold our offset - any time we access memory, those values will be added together.
This code sample demonstrates looping through an array using this technique. Note that we calculate the address of items in the array
on line 24 by adding the base address stored in r2
with the offset stored in r5
and every time through the loop we add 4 to the
offset (on line 29).
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 | .data
@an array of 5 ints
myArray: .word 10, 20, 30, 40, 50
arraySize: .word 5 @size of myArray
LDR r1, =arraySize @ r1 = &arraySize
LDR r1, [r1] @ r1 = arraySize
LDR r2, =myArray @ load myArray start address
@ r2 will always point at array start
MOV r3, #0 @ r3 = loop counter
MOV r5, #0 @ r5 = bytes into array to current element
MOV r4, #0 @ r4 = total
B looptest @ jump ahead to loop test
@Calculate address of current element by adding offset r5 to base address
LDR r6, [r2, r5] @ r6 = element at address r2 + r5
ADD r4, r4, r6 @ total += current value
@go to next step
ADD r3, r3, #1 @ add one to counter
ADD r5, r5, #4 @ add 4 to offset value for "current element"
CMP r3, r1 @ Compare counter r3 to size of array in r1
BLT loopstart @ If counter Less Than size, go back to start
B end @stop here
5.3.1. Looping over byte arrays¶
If we are working with bytes of memory, the index (loop counter) and offet will always be the same, so we can use one register to represent both. Index 2 will be 2 bytes in, index 5, will be 5 bytes in, etc…
The code sample below totals the values in myArray using a loop. It is just like the sample above except that r3 serves
as both the array counter (index) and the memory offset for each element. And as we load elements of the array we have to use
to load them as bytes.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 | .data
@an array of 4 SIGNED bytes
myArray: .byte 4, 2, -1, 10
.align @make sure we are padded to a full word
myArraySize: .word 4
LDR r1, =myArraySize @ r1 = &myArraySize
LDR r1, [r1] @ r1 = myArraySize - it is a word, use LRB
LDR r2, =myArray @ load myArray start address
@ r2 will always point at array start
MOV r3, #0 @ r3 = loop counter
MOV r4, #0 @ r4 = total
B looptest @ jump ahead to loop test
@Load array item - it is a byte so use LDRSB
LDRSB r6, [r2, r3] @ r6 = element at address r2 + r3
ADD r4, r4, r6 @ total += current value
@go to next step
ADD r3, r3, #1 @ add one to index
CMP r3, r1 @ Compare counter r3 to size of array in r1
BLT loopstart @ If counter Less Than size, go back to start
B end @stop here